Monthly Donations

Our greatest need is for financial resources that enable us to provide for the Kearney Community.

You can donate to us each month. We make the process automated and easy!

We accept donation amounts online from $10.00 and up. Smaller donations can be made in person.

Thank you for your support! We could not do this without YOU!

 / every month

Our greatest need is for financial resources that enable us to provide for the Kearney Community.

You can donate to us each month. We make the process automated and easy!

We accept donation amounts online from $10.00 and up. Smaller donations can be made in person.

We are grateful and appreciative of every single contribution because it is with your help that we are able to continue to care for our family, friends, and neighbors.

The Kearney Food Pantry (Kearney Enrichment Council Food Pantry) is a 501(c)3 Not For Profit entity and all Contributions are Tax Deductible. Please contact us directly if you need more information about your donation receipt for tax purposes.


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